Nebo Studios

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Beginning my creative business agency | Nebo Studios

It all begins with an idea. So true honestly I feel like yes this is daunting. SEO and all the tagging errors and emails and waiting for things to happen. It has been tuff to say the least but ultimately proud of myself thus far. I have formed an LLC got my EIN. Making moves lol.

I’m not sure entirely sure if I should say lol in a blog post as it might seem unprofessional. But fooie I say. THIS IS MY BLOG.

This is really the dream, isn't it? I mean who doesn’t want to be their own boss and do what they love without any boundaries on success or failure. It's tough but in a good way because when you're faced with challenges like these there are always opportunities waiting for us around every corner!

Luckily for me, the internet is my oyster. I've created a Facebook ad campaign that will hopefully get some traffic to this page and allow people from all around world discover what they're missing out on by not coming here first!

You know what? I've never had a problem being entirely transparent. And who could blame me for wanting to keep track of my progress and make sure things are going well in life, right?! It's also fun - like taking an honest look at yourself through the lens (blog) of journaling! Would you join me :)